I started today at Trafalgar Square. I was about 45 minutes early for what I was there for, so allowed myself a touristy selfie.
Monday, November 25, 2024
Art and Other Art
... And the blustery day
Sunday, November 24, 2024
15, for the win
Saturday, November 23, 2024
But wait, there's more
(Final count: 4 team trivia wins - that's 2 fridge magnets, a keychain, and a pin to add to my Windstar Crap collection. Others on my team were going to give theirs away as stocking stuffers. I have zero use for any of them, except the memories they trigger.)
Next stop was Way Too Much Time at the Venice airport. Some flights were out and out cancelled; mine was just delayed two hours. On account of one massive storm (which is presently dropping snow all over Scotland - please note the map of plow locations I snapped off the TV. Zoom in. Seems it's all about giving your plow a clever name.
Thursday, November 21, 2024
Although I'd been to Italy before, I'd never been to Venice. Was kind of excited to see it, although the weather was much colder than the rest of our trip (and it was threatening rain).
There was some logistical shit that got problematic when I tried to sneak in two timed events in the day (and I was trying to change the time on the second so I would get back before the rain, and what they'd told me about the first one's timing was not what actually happened on the ground), but, anyway, it's all worked out ok, (even though I got in a few thousand unnecessary steps) and I DID get back before the rain, so yay!
We started the day on board, for upwards of an hour of watching us get pulled into Venice. (Apologies for the reflection of breakfast in there.)
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Ok, before Zadar, let me finish up Dubrovnik. I didn't go back into Dubrovnik. We only had a few hours before All Aboard and I may have slept in. Also, we'd have to take a shuttle into town, and, given the limited time, it wasn't going to work.
Once we left, the seas got a bit choppier and I felt a bit greenish.
Drank some Coke, which calmed the greenish, and then led my team to victory on the Broadway Music game.
(My "identity" on my last trip was "that woman what still wears a mask indoors." Now it's "that woman what still wears a mask indoors and won the trivia three times." I feel more comfortable with this.)
Ok, Zadar.
Here's the thing about Zadar. The weather forecast for today was 100 percent chance of thunderstorms. We'd signed up for a tour by (electric) Tuk Tuk. Which didn't seem like a great idea in a thunderstorm. Now, I could cancel the tour with 48 hours notice, but, otherwise, I was told this thing runs "rain or shine, unless it's unsafe." After confirming the weather report 48 hours out, I cancelled the tour.
Fast forward to today. It's still 100% chance of thunderstorms, but not until afternoon. So with a couple of dry morning hours, I decided to have a wander around Zadar instead.
I confess this is kind of my favorite thing to do in a new city. I got a gps (and my vague memories of a 15 minute port talk yesterday), and the generic mission of "buy a souvenir" and I'm off!
See? I'm happy already!
The other thing was the fact that the pathway ended at the sea, and this pier. (Google Maps suggested is was the Best Place To View Sunsets. I'm thinking not today.) But it was a nice place to continue my walk.
Monday, November 18, 2024
Unusual Day in Dubrovnik
Welcome to Croatia! I'd been to Italy before, but we now have a new country I can check off the ol' list.
When I booked this cruise, I was unaware that today is a national holiday in Croatia - a day of Remembrance for those who lost their lives in the Croatian War of Independence. Which, if you've forgotten, was in 1991.
There was an element of surreality today - visiting this historic walled city which dates back many CENTURIES, but seeing damage it suffered during a war in my lifetime (my adult lifetime, even). Our tour guide gave us some background on the war, and how she tries to teach her children not to hate Serbians; but, damn, there are still some fresh wounds here.
Because of the holiday, most shops and restaurants were closed, and our day in the Old City of Dubrovnik (which is usually wall-to-wall people) took place in a largely empty city. Humans were outnumbered by pigeons. Probably by a lot. (There is quite the pigeon population.)
(Notice the flags, alternating between the Croatian flag and that of the patron saint of Dubrovnik.) |
I'm not saying "ghost town," but certainly under-populated. Weather was nice and we got a good overview of the town.
We also stopped at an overlook and got a really good overview of the city (and the view).
(People were looking in this general direction and saying "King's Landing!" I do not watch "Game of Thrones," but hope I snapped the right picture. Gorgeous either way.)
The weather is supposed to start turning on us tonight, but I managed a couple peaceful shots from the ship at sunset.