Saturday, April 30, 2011

Cat Intelligence

Sometimes, I think my cat is a moron.  There are times when I put her food in her dish, and her dish on her mat ... and she'll start meowing because she doesn't know where her food is.  I have to pick the cat up and put her back down facing the food.  Not a genius, is what I'm saying.

So, this evening, it dawns on me that I have to eat dinner and feed the cat.  I say to the cat (as though she's listening), "I've got to go use the bathroom, then I'll feed us both."

I return from the bathroom.  Cat is in the living room.  I say to the cat, "Didn't I say something about feeding us both?"  Cat jumps down and walks into the kitchen, stands in front of her mat, and waits for me.  It looked for all the world like she understood.  Scary.


Elen said...

Oh thank goodness. We worried about our female cat that does the same thing. We have to point out her bowl of food to her even though we never move it! Weird.

Anonymous said...

The moron thing is just an act so you don't realize she's actually trying to take over the world.

Anonymous said...

We thought the same about our cat and then realized that she'd lost her eyesight. Just saying. (Regained some of it in one eye.)

Wil said...

Now, it's no secret that I'm not overly fond of cats. So take this with a grain of salt. Still, you should have figured out her games by now. She's quite capable of understanding almost 200 key words. Reacting to them in the fashion you deem appropriate is another matter. She has you conned, m'dear, big time.

Time to start playing games with her kitty-head, using the wrong key words. Keeps her on her toes and provides endless amusement for her handler...

Lori said...

Sometimes our cats think we're morons. Then they see us empty their litter boxes and put their food and water out at regular intervals, and they realize we aren't quite as dumb as we look. :)