Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Traditional Turkish Grope

Yes, I know I should be going to sleep now, as I have to wake up on about 6 1/2 hours, but, really, some things need to be 'blogged. Indeed, I was mentally composing this while the events were actually occurring.

The way the Family Legend tells it, one of my aunts got groped during a massage in a Turkish bath. I remembered this.

Someone recommending my hotel stated that she got the best massage of her life in the Turkish bath in this very hotel. I remembered this, too.

I booked a massage at the Turkish bath in my hotel, and, actually, I can sorta understand both sides here (much like the misunderstanding regarding the "scarf" requirement at the Blue Mosque.) The massage was extremely relaxing and quite pleasant. And while the dude doing the massaging did, in fact, leave untouched that portion of my person which would be covered by a bikini, he was working off a very, um, Brazilian definition of "bikini."

I feel like we're very close friends.

1 comment:

Wil said...

Wonderful vignette.