Friday, October 10, 2008

Checkin' Out the New Digs

So. This is blogger.

:::looks around, checks out the scenery:::

Looks pretty user-friendly, which is good, because I don't have time for anything that will require actual effort to figure it out.

In other news, I may be making a rather larger move. One in the real world.

Yes, kids, after (more or less) two years of listing and unlisting my condo, I actually have a tentative deal to sell it.

(Insert tentative dance of tentative joy. Knock on wood many times.)

We opened escrow this week; apparently survived the buyer's inspection and termite inspection; and the buyer is pre-approved for a loan. Still, we've got a couple weeks of contingencies left, and if I know anything about selling this place, it's not to believe it is
actually sold until such time as I have a big pile of money in my hand and they have the keys.

So, forgive me if I'm a bit distracted right now. I'm alternating between excitement over the idea that I'll get a house ... and stress over the idea that I might not.

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