Friday, August 15, 2008

Well, THAT was disconcerting

Leaving work tonight, walking to the parking lot, waiting for the light.

Dude walks up to me.  (I am going to go out on a limb and say he's a Mexican-American.)

Says, "We're going to send you all to Europe."

I give him the "yeah, whatever" face.

Says, "I mean it.  We're going to send all the white people back to Europe.  We don't need you no more.  No more white people in L.A.  We gotta make L.A. back the way it was."

I switch to the "your accent is too heavy for me to understand" face.  This is, in fact, untrue -- I can understand him perfectly -- but I'm thinking that lack of comprehension is probably the least offensive response.

He says, slower this time, "We're going to send all you all back to Europe.  You understand?"  (Wow, it really was the "your accent is too heavy for me to understand" face.  Who knew?)

I smile and laugh and say, "OK."  He goes on off down the sidewalk; I cross the street.

Wow.  Racism.


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