Wednesday, July 26, 2006


1.  Returned the comforter.  I won't be able to get a duplicate of the one I gave back.  Here's the problem.  It is a Hollander comforter.  Hollander rarely sells stuff under its own label (according to the website, it is just starting to do this).  Instead, it sells stuff under different labels, through all sorts of outlets.  You can get a Hollander comforter anywhere from Wal-Mart to Laura Ashley.  Since I've no idea which Hollander comforter I was dealing with (no idea of fill-power or thread count or anything), I can't figure out where to shop for it.  Ah well.

2.  The most amazing thing happened this morning.  My air conditioner actually turned off.  For, like, four minutes.  The damn thing has been cranking 24 hours a day just to achieve 80 degrees, and very briefly, around 8:30 this morning, it actually hit the 76 that it was aiming for, and shut off in satisfaction.  Didn't last though.  (I fear my electric bill.)

3.  The cat actually wanted to be brushed today.  I sat on the couch, held the brush in my hand, and made an inviting hand gesture.  She jumped in my lap and let me brush her for, like, ten minutes.  This is massive progress.

4.  My neighbors came over tonight (we're finishing off an ice cream cake -- long story) and they asked if I had anything recorded on the DVR.  I had last night's episode of "Colbert Report," -- a show they had never watched.  Looks like I made two new fans of the show last night.  I think I should get a gold star from Colbert Nation or something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good job, Hero!