Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Internet is Letting Me Down

(But first, thanks for the info on Vista.  Sadly, Wil, Mac is not an option for me, as my NotSlingbox is not Mac compatible.  Come to think of it, I can't imagine that it's Vista compatible either.)

OK.  I'm working on my Halloween costume.  I have the basics, but it needs some accessories/props to totally pin it down perfectly.  I'd say it needs at least two of three totally identifying accessories.

One, conveniently, is available for purchase for $40.  Am not happy about the cost, but at least it can be done.

As for the other two, I'm totally screwed.  One seems to cost over $100, so that's, y'know, out.

The other I can't seem to find, and it is way annoying me.  I need a hat.  A black hat.  A black straw hat.  A black straw hat with a small brim.  Actually, a relatively small black straw hat with a small brim.

Yeah, good luck with that.  I'm even willing to waffle on material (a relative small black hat with a small brim would work fine, even if not straw) and the usual suspects -- including internet hat stores and ebay -- are totally letting me down.  I can get the closest on eBay, but they want a lot of money.  Or, they don't want much money at all, but the auction ends too late for me to get said hat pre-Halloween party.

I usually can find pretty much anything on the internet, but this is definitely problematic. I was actually considering a straw-colored straw hat and a can of black spray paint.


Anonymous said...

Did you try some of the local  greeting card/ costumes at Halloween/everything you could need for throwaway entertaining stores?  They sometimes have the very thing you need for not much money...:) After doing kid costumes for Halloween / plays, for more years then I want to remember, I often look there 1st before going elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Not sure what style of hat you want, but here's a few cheap hats I found.  (By small, do you mean child sized, because I didn't look for those!)

ANd if you are seriously considering painting one .....

Anonymous said...

If you don't mind painting a good straw hat, they're available from these folks for $35 plus S&H.

Cheaper, check with various companies that sell campaign goodies - you're looking for a "straw boater in styrofoam that you can paint. Ask for a sample - mention the DA's office and they'll probably send a boatload of that crap.

Good luck.

Anonymous said...

How soon do you need it?  I have a couple I got for Xmas from my MiL and have never worn.  I can send 'em to you if you want.