Sunday, March 14, 2004

Grocery Shopping (2 of 2)

I run up the next flight of stairs and reach the elevator, just as I hear it go back down to 1 and stop there. I have sitcom-style fears that my shopping cart is going to go flying out on that floor and careen around the courtyard of its own accord.

I hit the call button and eventually my groceries meet me on 2 -- to the great amusement of some guests of my next-door neighbor, who were actually waiting for the elevator to use it.

I take my groceries in, and I'm an upacking maniac -- throwing frozen foods in the freezer, cold foods in the fridge, and everything else in the cupboard. (Come to think of it, I never DID rinse the grapes.) I run into my closet and throw on a sweater and skirt outfit, so I look all presentable for the theatre. I grab my ticket, take the shopping cart (to return it) and get the elevator down to the garage with no further incident.

I go to the theatre. On the way home, I stop off at In-N-Out for a burger, which I bring home. Since I'm carrying my dinner, I still don't have enough spare hands to bring up the three items in my trunk, but something tells me to take a peek in there and make sure everything is ok.

And it is then that I discover my 2.5 gallon container of water has sprung a leak, and about 1/4 of its contents has spilled out into my trunk and saturated the thin little rug back there.

Well, on the plus side, the laundry detergent didn't open -- I could just picture myself driving down the street with soap suds oozing out of my trunk.

On the minus side ... anyone know how to dry out a trunk?


Anonymous said...

oddly, i do... get a big towel, and blot up as much of the water as you possibly can. then, you'll need to either get a fan and sit around while the fan does its' job, or drive around for a long while with the windows rolled wayyyyy down. good luck. ~liz (perfect moments)

Anonymous said...

You could always go to one of those car wash places and use the big vac to suck up the water. Then just let the rest dry on it's own. Good luck...

Anonymous said...

...and this is why grocery delivery was invented.

Anonymous said...

Hoo-boy, I have to go potty now.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! I soaked a towel thru, and have been driving with the windows open. It helps tremendously, I think, that I was able to put the back seat down, so the air gets into the trunk all easy-like. Still, I'm gonna need me a big bottle of Febreeze before this is over.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely hilarious!!! Definitely sitcom material. I'm still chuckling as I type this! Thank you for starting my day out with a smile.....