I was just paying bills. Every return envelope has a little square for the stamp, printed with "Place Stamp Here" or "The Post Office Will Not Deliver Mail Without Postage."
Is this absolutely necessary? How many people would just stick those suckers in the mail without stamps if they hadn't been warned about it?
It worries me that banks would extend credit lines worth thousands of dollars to people who don't have the good sense to stick a stamp on an envelope. I'd think that would be a prerequisite to being trusted with a credit card.
Well, every once in a while I try and get by with a stampless envelope. But the dang post office really WON'T deliver 'em without a stamp!
Once upon a time I worked in a small town. When tax bills came due, the number of "oops" was astounding, costing this tiny burg nearly $500 in postage due. I put an end to it the following year by changing to a preprint with the parcel owners name and address as the return addy on the envelope. Postage due to the town for the year was under $10! With the return addy, the post office could return the item to the sender for postage instead of dumping the problem onto the intended recipient.
I stand corrected. And horribly disappointed.
Of course...if you *do* want to by-pass that stamp thingie that is *required*... put the person's address that you intend said mail for in the return address place... put your address in intended mail recipient... then just cross off and write - "return to sender". He he. K, so I've NEVER done this - I swear! Just thought it might be interesting to try :) Clever? Or demented? The jury is still deadlocked!
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